my mission: my son edoardo
battling neuroblastoma
I am Anselmo Guizzi, owner of Ala Guizzi srl, and I want to take this opportunity kindly offered to me by Radio Bunker to talk about about my son's fight against Neuroblastoma, the first cause of death and the third most frequent neoplasm after leukaemia and paediatric brain tumours. I would like to share the experience my wife and I had when confronted with an ill-fated diagnosis that transformed our outlook on life and our priorities. The meeting originated from the partnership between Radio Bunker and the Associazione Italiana per la Lotta contro il Neuroblastoma, a group I came to know and with which I began to collaborate during our journey in dealing with the disease, when we were referred to the Gaslini Hospital in Genoa. Here I found a team that I like to refer to as giants rather than simple doctors and scientists. Giants of love, giants, whose self-sacrifice is perhaps unparalleled for what it has meant. I trust that sharing this experience, which has indelibly marked my family's life, may be of help to others and instil courage in those who should, suddenly, come up against the unexpected. My intervention on Radio Bunker can be found on Ala Guizzi's YouTube channel.