ala guizzi and the newspaper
"il sole 24 ore" almost peers
The newspaper “Sole 24 ore” has dedicated a thorough in-depth analysis about Italian companies that deal with thermal treatments: the narrating voice of the financial economic landscape since 1965, at the top of information with an important circulation and digital publishing organisation which is among the most evolved, Ala Guizzi embraced the invitation of the headline to narrate the story. Not only because we grew together! For our 60th anniversary we have matured the awareness to choose how and with which instruments to present ourselves. The “Sole 24 Ore” understood the moment of innovation riding the wave of digital transition; Ala Guizzi in its own market niche chose to implement its own offer 3 years ago extending to the trade of alloys. We always have faith in progress because it means dynamism, movement and intuition. .