a team to show the way
In the November issue of Platinum, a quarterly magazine of Il Sole 24 Ore, we report on the need for transparency within companies, an essential step in realities such as ours, in order to create a climate of trust among employees, aimed at fostering motivation and facilitating the rapid change to which SMEs, in the current market context, are obliged to undergo in order to remain competitive. And then. Let's talk about competition, a subject for which, for some years now, Ala Guizzi has been oriented towards optimising resources, avoiding duplicating areas of competence with its competitors, keeping the focus on the development of the know-how of each individual reality, opening up possible collaborations in new markets that are difficult to reach individually. Sharing risks and objectives encourages the exchange of ideas and technologies, stimulates innovation, and improves the reputation of the industry, both inside and outside the company. We look forward to seeing you, our xperience room is always open.